Monday, November 10, 2008

First Bath!

Well this past Friday Addison had her 3 week checkup and the Dr. removed the last part of her Umbilical Cord and said it was safe for Addi to have a bath now. So tonight we thought we would try out her new Baby Spa and give her her first bath! She Loved it! she just splashed and played in the water and had a great time! I think that Bath Time will be one of her favorite things! She is really starting to take on personality and show it in her reactions to things. She is so Cute! 

We posted pics on the website so Check them out!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Addison Gray is Here!!!

Well on Thursday October 16th, 2008 at 2:16pm, our little angel came into the world. It had been a kind of weird week, for the pregnancy because Kate was starting to have a lot of pre-labor symptoms, but by Wednesday night they had all gone away. Poor Kate was starting to think that Addison was never going to come out. Wednesday, we had decided to do a big grocery shopping and pick up a lot of things so that we were ready when Addison did come. While at the store I asked Kate if she had wanted to get some Castor Oil, which is a old wives tail, that is supposed to bring on labor. She was like ok... why not, im willing to try anything. We got home and got everything put away, and were just relaxing. We had Emily with us that night spending the night, so around 12 am we decided we needed to get some sleep. Kate had taken the Castor oil, and was up and down a lot with it. We said goodnight to Em, and both went to sleep (well at least i thought we both did). Around 6:30 am, Kate woke me up, saying that i needed to get up, because her contractions were really close together, and really strong. It took me a minute to wake up, but once i realized what was going on i jumped up out of bed. By 7am we called the Midwives to tell them we were on our way, and they said sounds like we are in business, but to come in so they could check her out. We got there at 7:30am, and they got her all checked out. She was 4CM dilated at that point, so they admitted her to a room, and said looks like we are going to have a baby today! 

Well at that point it was 8am and Kate was in a lot of pain. It took them a couple of hours, but by 11am they finally got her an Epidural. After that, as Kate says it was a "easy labor".  by 12 they checked her again and she was 7-8CM dilated. And the nurse joked that we were gonna have this baby by 2:15pm.... Kate was doing great and just relaxing. at 1:30pm they came in and check her again. By that point they said she was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. We had been waiting on Molly to get there because she was going to take pictures for us, so Kate asked to wait a few min before starting to push to give Molly time to get there. Around 1:55pm Molly got there just as they were starting to have Kate push. Soon after that Addison was born. It only took a good 5-6 pushes and she was out. She was born at 2:16pm, 1 minute after the nurse had said she would be born. 

She is perfect in every way. They kept us for 2 nights, to make sure she was well, and that everything was going well, and Saturday morning they discharged Kate and Addison and we were able to bring her home. We have had so many visitor's with family and friend coming by to see her and welcoming her into the world, and I'm sure many many more to come in the weeks to come. 

Kate and I are so blessed to have had such an awesome delivery and somewhat easy delivery. You gear up for that moment for so long that you don't know what to expect, but overall it was a very wonderful experience for both Kate and I. We are so excited to have Addison here finally and to start on this new journey in our lives with her here. It's so exciting knowing that she is ours, and that we created her. We can't wait to experience life with her. There will be LOTS AND LOTS of pictures and post's to come so keep checking back! 

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Still Waiting...9 Days and Counting!

Well we are still waiting on little Addison to come... we are 38 weeks and 5 days now. It seems like she keeps teasing us and making us think she is about to come. Kate will start having all the pre-labor symptoms, and we'll think ok maybe this is it, and then BAM...they stop! Poor Kate is getting to the miserable point now, and is really ready for her to come. Our next apt is tommorow, and we are hopeing they will have some good news for us about how far along we are :). This weekend would be great if she came though. My Grandma from TN is flying in today, for Addi's birth, and also Kate Step Mom will be in town this weeknd for the LSU game. so it would be so cool for them to be able to meet Addison. The countdown is on! 9 days and counting

Monday, September 15, 2008

Nursery Pics!

Well the Nursery is finally done! We have uploaded pics  on to Addison's webpage in the albums area. Check them out! we are 35 weeks and 2 days today! :) Getting close! 

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Once a Week

Well we are down to going to the Dr. Once a week now... we are 35 weeks, meaning next Saturday we will be full term 36 weeks (that means we are 9 months, and Addison is fully grown). If Kate were to go into Labor now unless something is wrong, they won't stop her from delivering.

It's crazy, Kate is already starting to show signs of getting ready for labor. Her contractions have been getting more regular, and intense. She has been in "nesting mode" for the past 3 days, cleaning EVERYTHING in site. If you ask me, i think Addison will be here in the next couple of weeks. (I'm estimating the 7th or 8th) But we will see!!!

The Nursery is 99% done. We just have to get a few things for the walls, but the major stuff is done! We will be posting pictures next week. Things are so exciting. its coming, and we are finally reaching the end. We can't wait till our little girl is here! 

Friday, August 22, 2008


Well the Nursery is FINALLY done! After all last weekend and then off and on through the week the nursery is finally painted and the shelves are hung. There is still a lot of little touches Kate is going to make, but the BIG stuff is all done! (Painting, Trimming, setting up shelves, curtain's, etc...)

The time is getting closer and closer. We are at 59 days and counting now... only 4 more weeks before she is full term. And 8 more weeks till we are 40 weeks :) Time is flying, and soon our little girl will be here :) It's hard to believe its almost been 9 months. It seems like just yesterday Kate was waking me up to tell me we were pregnant and going to have a baby. It's been hard at times, ESPECIALLY for poor Kate. She is a real trooper. I know she hurts and is uncomfortable, but she just push's through. Her excitement always shines through. 

We are getting ready, and the countdown is on! :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Labor and Delivery Again....

Well today we had another false labor scare... Kate started having contractions all last night, and then during church we had to leave because they got so bad. We called the Midwife and they said to relax and drink lots of water (we are sitting here thinking duh...) so Kate just relaxed and I took care of her. They eased off but didn't stop. By 6:30pm we finally were told to go to Labor and Delivery... After an hour and the nurse getting personal with Kate they sent us home and said everything is fine and to rest. The amazing thing was that next to us a husband and wife around our age came in... She was due in two days, but was contracting and dialted 2 cm, they were getting ready to bring their little one into the world.

It made me think that our time for that moment was coming and will be here soon. Sooner than we realize. It's right around the corner and before we know it our little girl will be here. While I'm scared for Kate and that day and what she will have to go through, on the same thought I can't wait for that day. I am so excited to be in that moment knowing our little girl is on her way.

-Proud Dad (Brian)